Commercial Painting Contractors
For decades, Wright Paint’s professional painters have provided valuable commercial painting and industrial painting solutions for businesses looking for the best in premium painting services. Whether you’re interested in adding more value to a home, increasing the commercial appeal of your business with interior and exterior painting services, or simply repairing an old or botched paint job, our professional painting contractors have the tools and skills to help.
With an affordable, easy to understand pricing structure, bonded and insured painters that are constantly honing their expertise, and an extensive suite of commercial painting services, we have options for just about anyone. There’s no need to settle for poor workmanship from a painting service that couldn’t care less about your satisfaction. Let the local painting experts here at Wright Paint handle your commercial and home improvement needs!
Our Painting Process
Our commercial painting contractors know painting services like the backs of their hands, and we place a premium on catering to each one of our clients’ particular needs. Whether you need help painting exterior walls, painting interior floors, or something else, we’re here to serve you. Unlike other painting companies that employ a cookie cutter approach to paint services, our painters start our process with a detailed conversation with the client directly, in order to understand exactly what it is you’re looking for, your budget, previous problems you may have faced, and your ideal end result. The way we see it, a painting business is only as good as its communication with its clients. That’s why transparency and open discussions are such a large part of how we move forward in our painting projects.
Once we’ve assessed exactly what it is that you’re looking for, we work on a detailed estimate that is both specific to your business needs and clearly outlines the painting services our painters will be delivering and the cost associated with your particular painting job. Our goal is to ensure that our clients are fully aware of what to expect, and we ensure that your estimate is thorough and accurate– because, in our eyes, there’s nothing more unprofessional than a painter or paint contractor that changes what’s been promised.
Finally, once the estimate has been approved, a date of completion has been set, and we’ve agreed on a date and time to start, our painters get to work. The benefit of having an extensive team of trained professionals means our professional painting services are often completed in less time and at a significantly lower cost than our competitors, and the end result is always of the highest quality. Our paint contractors use only quality products and place a premium on efficiency. As a commercial painting company that’s been around for decades, we believe in doing things right the first time, which means we ensure that our clients are satisfied and always strive to go above and beyond what’s been asked.
Work with a painting contractor that gets the job done right
When you’re looking for a professional painting contractor team that knows its stuff and is committed to excellence, Wright Paint is the commercial painting contractor for you. Our commercial painters specialize in interior painting, exterior painting, power washing, paint removal and other quality services. As commercial painting contractors, we offer a full suite of industrial painting services and solutions for businesses. We’ve been the best painting team in the Triad area for over twenty years, and we’re ready and willing to handle all types of painting needs. Contact us to get started with a painting estimate today!
Let us know how we can help
Whether you would like an estimate or just have a question, we’re happy to help however we can.
Please fill out the following form completely and we will be in touch with you soon.